At Devon Catering our accomplished team of wedding caterers will provide you with the finest wedding catering service. South Devon is host to some of the most beautiful wedding venues in the country. The perfect locations of Corn Barn and Oak Barn near to Exeter , the ideally located Muddiford Country House set in the heart of the Devon countryside and the historic Exeter Castle are just a few of the exquisite wedding locations on offer. Our professional team will ensure that the wedding breakfast complements the venue, giving you your perfect wedding reception.
With Devon Catering you get choice and flexibility. We can offer various options including wedding buffets, full service dinner, hog roast or a mix. The wedding menus include a range of canapes, starters, main courses and desserts. You get the option to leave it up to us to design your menu, mix and match, or give us all your suggestions so that we can adapt the menu to your wedding. The ingredients we use are sourced locally and are fresh and high quality giving the food exceptional flavour and making your wedding dinner as delicious as possible.
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Get inspiration for your wedding or event with our latest menu - crammed with delicious and inspirational ideas.